Dear Esteemed Colleague,
The primary objective of this meeting is to facilitate dynamic discussions regarding the challenges and gaps in microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) mitigation within the broader MIC community. Our overarching goal is to promote cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration, encouraging the exchange of knowledge of the most significant advancements in MIC Mitigation, encompassing the entire spectrum of Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Mitigation. Beyond this, we aim to catalyse innovative, sustainable, and environmentally friendly strategies for combatting MIC and translating them into practical real-world applications.
We cordially invite you to participate in this event and seize the opportunity to showcase your products and services to our attendees. We would greatly appreciate your involvement, join us on this journey of exploration, collaboration, and transformation, and together, let’s shape the future of MIC Mitigation!
Your support matters. By contributing, you not only align with our cause but also gain access to a host of attractive benefits. Through your generosity, we can:
• Reduce fees for delegates.
• Support young researchers with attracting student fees.
• Keep our website and new domains up to date.
• Ensure robust marketing and promotional activities during the event.
Seize this opportunity to make a meaningful impact and be a catalyst for positive change in the field of MIC Mitigation. Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to welcoming you to Lisboa for this unique event.
Elisabete R. Silva
Sponsorship package:
Looking forward to your company’s advertising!
The National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) is an Innovation Knowledge Centre (IKC) funded by BBSRC and Innovate UK. Biofilms are central to our most important global challenges – from infections, antimicrobial resistance and food safety to water security, marine biofouling and corrosion – and exert significant economic, social and environmental impacts estimated at $5 trillion per annum. NBIC was launched in 2017 by its four lead universities (Edinburgh, Liverpool, Nottingham and Southampton) to address these challenges and bring together the best of UK research and businesses to drive the translation of biofilm research into innovative solutions.
Coatings (ISSN 2079-6412) is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal devoted to the science and engineering of coatings, thin and thick films, surfaces and interfaces. The journal covers. Coatings, surface and interfaces in the broader sense. Open Access: Unlimited and free access for readers. High Visibility: Indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus / SciFinder, and other databases. Journal Rank: JCR – Q2 (Materials Science, Coatings & Films) / CiteScore – Q2 (Surfaces and Interfaces). Rapid Publication: Average Days submission to revision is 13.8, Average Days acceptance to Publication is 2.8, Average Days submission to publication is 35.
Journal Scope:
- Thin and thick films
- Processes for coating deposition and modification
- Characterization techniques
- Functional, protective and decorative coatings
- Dyes, pigments and their intermediates
- Wear, corrosion, erosion
- Coatings for high temperature
- Film materials for packaging
- Applied surface science
- Adsorption, adhesion, functionalization
- Fundamental and functional properties of surface and interfaces
- Theoretical and computational modeling of surfaces and interfaces
- High surface area systems: colloids, nanoparticles, large interfaces